use cases

Check your employees and subcontractors

Ensure the integrity and compliance of your employees and subcontractors with fast and secure identity verification.

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Already approved by +100 businesses

The challenge

Ensuring security and compliance

In human resources and recruitment, verifying the identity of employees and contractors is crucial to prevent fraud and ensure compliance. A slow or inefficient process can compromise business security. Businesses need to ensure compliance with regulatory standards while minimizing human error. This challenge is becoming even more critical with increasingly stringent compliance requirements.

Internal fraud risk and fake profiles.

Slow processes causing delays in integration.

Non-conformance with safety and verification standards.


Automated identity verification

Dataleon KYC allows you to quickly verify the identities of employees and subcontractors through automated, accurate and compliant technology.Our solution helps you ensure the security of recruitment processes and comply with legal obligations in terms of identity verification, while ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience for your human resources.

Image de la plateforme Dataleon

Increased security and compliance

Quick check for simplified onboarding.
Reduction of internal risks through fraud detection.
Legal compliance with HR regulations.
Securing the information of employees and subcontractors.
Improving the efficiency of recruitment processes.

Request a demo

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Don't just take our word for it

Jaiye uses Dataleon to automate her inbound data flow

See the AGICAP customer case

Treasy optimizes document analysis thanks to Dataleon AI

See the Small Business Act case study

AEQUE improves its expertise thanks to Dataleon's AI analysis

See the AGICAP customer case

SBA uses Dataleon to automate its accounting flow

See the Small Business Act case study

Dataleon allowed us to save 4 times more time in deploying our solution, thanks to their automation and no-code solution with artificial intelligence.

Sonia Chetioui
Financial Consulting

Dataleon's financial data conversion solution allowed us to save time for our technical teams while allowing us to offer other services to our customers.

Agicap logo
Quentin Rochias
Customer Success Tech @AGICAP

The scalable solution of the Dataleon platform allows our teams to focus on tasks with high added value and thus improve the onboarding of our customers.

Virgil logo
Laetitia Gascon,
Customer Success Tech @VIRGIL

Thanks to the Dataleon solution, and their AI engine and excellent support, we were able to implement data processing in less than 3 days.

Aeque logo
Arnaud Cluzel
Managing Partner
@Æque Main

Frequently asked questions

Does Dataleon provide support?

Dataleon offers support to its users, with a dedicated team of machine learning engineers based in Paris, available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CET. For support requests outside these hours, please send us an email and one of our engineers will respond as soon as possible. Contact our support team at for assistance.

Are my files deleted after processing?

Yes, your files are securely deleted. During the processing of your document or image, we use a temporary container. Once processing is complete, your image is deleted and the container is also removed. This ensures that your data remains inaccessible, even to Dataleon.


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Dataleon can help you bring your images and documents to life with ease.

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