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Try the Dataleon platform for free for 15 days and enjoy unlimited access to all our products and features.
Yes, you can combine a pre-trained model with customized training plans. If you have a personalized training plan, you pay as you go for a pre-trained model that you use in production.
Yes, the prices are tiered. It depends on the number of documents/API requests made in production.
Yes, the Dataleon team is available to help you train a model on the platform. A fixed number of training hours are included in each plan.
Dataleon offers support to its users, with a dedicated team of machine learning engineers based in Paris, available from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CET. For support requests outside these hours, please send us an email and one of our engineers will respond as soon as possible. Contact our support team at
Yes, your files are securely deleted. During the processing of your document or image, we use a temporary container. Once processing is complete, your image is deleted and the container is also removed. This ensures that your data remains inaccessible, even to Dataleon.
Dataleon allowed us to save 4 times more time in deploying our solution, thanks to their automation and no-code solution with artificial intelligence.
Dataleon's financial data conversion solution allowed us to save time for our technical teams while allowing us to offer other services to our customers.
The scalable solution of the Dataleon platform allows our teams to focus on tasks with high added value and thus improve the onboarding of our customers.
Thanks to the Dataleon solution, and their AI engine and excellent support, we were able to implement data processing in less than 3 days.
Dataleon can help you bring your images and documents to life with ease.
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