Use case

Automating the management of a music streaming platform thanks toDataleon


Automated music distribution with Dataleon: Your solution for smooth and innovative distribution.


The story of Jaiye began in 2016 when two lovers of African music, Jean-Yves Kokou and Valy Sylla, decided to join forces. Between them, they set themselves the mission of structuring the Afro-Caribbean music industry by creating the music distribution platform: JAIYE. Present in a niche market that is not very competitive, the project of the startup JAIYE remains very ambitious. A digital and easy to use platform with a real story.

Challenge : Meet high demand from artists with instant payments

A victim of its success, the startup very quickly found itself in high demand from artists on the platform. It was therefore essential to find a distribution system that would make it possible to remunerate artists almost instantaneously. Dataleon, a company specialized in workflow automation and API management, came in to respond to this request.

Some of the challenges the business faces include:

High demand for artists, need instant remuneration

Automating the compensation process


Finding a reliable and innovative cloud solution to retain customers


Solution: AWS x Dataleon to best respond to the Jaiye problem

Dataleon decided to take up the challenge by automating the remuneration process. To do this, Dataleon first started by setting up tests on several platforms, including Google Cloud.

As a result of these various tests, Dataleon and Jaiye decided to bet on Amazon AWS, which holds nearly 60% of the Cloud market among TPEs and SMEs. Thus, in November 2019, the AWS x Dataleon partnership was created.

The objectives of this partnership were quite clear:

  • Retain customers
  • Suggest an innovative solution to Jaiye
  • Developing Dataleon services with AWS technology
  • Reach a less technical audience that can understand the solution

For AWS, this partnership was an opportunity to obtain, on the one hand, a business provider on their cloud solution. And on the other hand, to be able to train new players in AWS tools.

To finalize this collaboration, AWS provided the infrastructure with their various tools (e.g.: AWS S3 database, AWS SNS notification) and Dataleon, its API management platform. Once this coupling was done, Dataleon was able to respond to Jaiye's problem without any problems.



The result: a fully automated music distribution system thanks to Dataleon

Once the AWS x Dataleon partnership was established, it was finally possible to automate the compensation system. Everything was then set up very quickly and the workflow was automated in 7 weeks, even exceeding Jaiye's expectations.

Indeed, initially, Dataleon teams reduced Jaiye's costs by 10. As serverless technology replaced physical servers, Jaiye then saw its costs decrease, from €2,000 in charges per month to only €100 per month.

In addition, serverless technology has made it possible to reach 0% of “shut down”, a recurrent problem with physical servers. An external service provider then had to travel to check the infrastructure and this inevitably involved additional costs. Without the risk of “shut down”, Jaiye was thus able to save nearly €3,000 per month in addition, thanks to serverless.

In a second phase, the startup gained a lot in working time. They no longer have to record “stream” numbers manually because AWS SQS technology automatically. They have thus increased productivity with more than 200,000 operations carried out in 5 seconds, whereas previously it took at least a full day.

Finally, Dataleon has set up a secure storage information system. Thus, all transactions can be stored in secure serverless databases.



Don't just take our word for it

Dataleon allowed us to save 4 times more time in deploying our solution, thanks to their automation and no-code solution with artificial intelligence.

Sonia Chetioui
Financial Consulting

Dataleon's financial data conversion solution allowed us to save time for our technical teams while allowing us to offer other services to our customers.

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Quentin Rochias
Customer Success Tech @AGICAP

The scalable solution of the Dataleon platform allows our teams to focus on tasks with high added value and thus improve the onboarding of our customers.

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Laetitia Gascon,
Customer Success Tech @VIRGIL

Thanks to the Dataleon solution, and their AI engine and excellent support, we were able to implement data processing in less than 3 days.

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Arnaud Cluzel
‍Managing Partner
@Æque Main

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Automated music distribution with Dataleon: Your solution for smooth and innovative distribution.

Automated music distribution with Dataleon: Your solution for smooth and innovative distribution.

Automated music distribution with Dataleon: Your solution for smooth and innovative distribution.